
Sunday, October 4, 2009

!! Dushera in Bangalore !!!

Dushehra or Duseraa, whatever we call it.... same festivity has a difference in celebration styles when it comes to India. I recently saw and felt "dussera" and its celebrations in bangalore.Its quite different from what i have seen since childhood.
belonging from north India, i am used to eating Channa Dal , chawal with dahi vadaas on the occasion accompanied by paan in the night when many people go to each other's home and greet them. In Bangalore, however they offer prayers to God and offer bali of cock or goat to the goddess Kali for good blessing. That flesh is cooked at home and eaten as 'prashaad". they also offer langars where local people have rice, saambhar etc. This dushehra reminded me of the cultural diversity of the India....and brought me back to the memory lane once again........when i was a kid.burning crackers and eating sweets with my childhood friends.:)